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Personal Chart Reports currently offers 4 different personal chart reports. To begin ordering, click the link for the type of report you would like to order below. (Please note that these reports are all based on Western astrology.)

Before selecting your report, please read this important information.

Natal Chart Interpretation: $9.00

A comprehensive and personalized interpretation of your complete natal horoscope. Describes your personality, strong and weak points, emotional nature, drive and ambition, the way others see you, and the other psychological characteristics that make you a unique individual.

Order a Natal Chart Interpretation

Six-Month Transit Forecast: $12.00

Describes the trends that will affect your life over the coming six months. Includes guidance on the best times to act, times to refrain from acting, and times when various issues will be of primary concern to you. Career, financial, health, and relationship prospects are among the matters discussed.

Order a Six-Month Transit Forecast

Twelve-Month Transit Forecast: $15.00

Describes the trends that will affect your life over the coming 12 months. Includes guidance on the best times to act, times to refrain from acting, and times when various issues will be of primary concern to you. Career, financial, health, and relationship prospects are among the matters discussed.

Order a Twelve-Month Transit Forecast

Two-Chart Compatibility Report: $9.00

Describes the dynamics of a two-person relationship. This report compares your two natal charts in detail and explains how your personalities "mesh" (or how they don't!) in a variety of ways.

Order a Two-Chart Compatibility Report

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