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Displaying titles 1-10 of 52 titles.

Were You Born Under a Lucky Star? by Alpheus, A.
Were You Born Under a Lucky Star?
Alpheus, A.
A complete exposition of the science of astrology adapted from the four books of Ptolemy.
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 13.4Mb
The Astrological Physitian by Andrews, William
The Astrological Physitian
Andrews, William
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 2.0Mb
Astrology Science of Knowledge and Reason by Bennett, Ellen H.
Astrology Science of Knowledge and Reason
Bennett, Ellen H.
A treatise on the heavenly bodies in an easy and comprehensive form.
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 14.7Mb
Relic of Astrology, A by Bolton, Henry Carrington
Relic of Astrology, A
Bolton, Henry Carrington
From The Journal of American Folk-Lore
Article (U.S.A. public domain), 540.9kb
Elements of Astrology, The by Broughton, Luke Dennis
Elements of Astrology, The
Broughton, Luke Dennis
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 16.5Mb
The English Physitian Enlarged by Culpeper, Nicholas
The English Physitian Enlarged
Culpeper, Nicholas
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 24.5Mb
Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans by Cumont, Franz Valery Marie
Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans
Cumont, Franz Valery Marie
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 8.5Mb
Spherical Basis of Astrology, The by Dalton, Joseph G.
Spherical Basis of Astrology, The
Dalton, Joseph G.
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 5.6Mb
Practical Astrology by de_Saint-Germain, Comte C.
Practical Astrology
de_Saint-Germain, Comte C.
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 13.9Mb
Jerusalem Christian Treatise on Astrology, A by Dickson, Gladys (translator)
Jerusalem Christian Treatise on Astrology, A
Dickson, Gladys (translator)
Translated by Gladys Dickson from the original Arabic
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 3.2Mb
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