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QR code for Android app - scan to download the appThe mobile app for Android provides quick access to some of our most popular features. You can download the app from the Google Play Store or you can simply scan the QR code with your smartphone.

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If you experience any problems with the app, please let us know so we can fix them. The best way to notify us is to email Please be as specific as possible in describing any problems. Tell us exactly what you were doing when the error occurred, what happened, the text of any error messages that appeared, etc. Also tell us the type of device you are using, its model, and (if you know it) the Android version you are using. The more of these details you can provide, the better we can track down and fix the problem.

So that we don't mistake your email for spam, please make sure you put something meaningful in the "Subject:" line, such as " mobile app support."

Please don't use the Play Store reviews for bug or problem reporting, as we may not see your post. Sending an email is the best and quickest way to let us know of problems.

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