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by Astrology Junction

Birthday: February 20 - January 18
Known as: The Water-Bearer
Zodiac Sign: 11th
Zodiac Element: Air

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac. This zodiac sign is known to be very original and unique. They love to keep up with the latest trends, but at the same time they may only be slightly influenced by the environment that surrounds them.

Aquarians have an "old" vibe about them. Curiosity and possibility rule their minds. They love music and exploration, and they are likely to become artists or inventors.

Taking the lead is a must for them -- Aquarians aren't ones to go with the group. Their mind is constantly booming with new ideas and new topics. They are very outgoing, friendly, and very romantic when it comes to love.

Knowing an Aquarius may be very unusual at first, but a guarantee is a that this zodiac sign will never leave you bored for a second!

Famous celebs born under Aquarius: Justin Timberlake, Ellen DeGeneres, Harry Styles, Taylor Lautner, Cristiano Ronaldo, Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Aniston, Shakira, Alicia Keys, Billie Joe Armstrong.

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