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by Astrology Junction

Birthday: December 22 - January 19
Known as: The Goat
Zodiac Sign: 10th
Zodiac Element: Earth

Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac. This zodiac sign is known to be very silent, but very fast-going. Although they do love to be acknowledged by their peers, they don't like to brag about what they may be doing at the moment. Keeping things on the "down low" is a must for them, as they don't feel that it is important to share their self-worth with others.

Capricorns are very hardworking, loving, cautious, patient, and responsible for themselves and others. In business matters, they are likely to be workaholics. They don't like to work for others, but they like to work for something that will bring them to a higher status in life.

The topic of love is something that really interests them. Capricorns will take love matters seriously. They are likely to spend years with a person to know them, and possibly live with them, before they make any big commitments. If the Capricorn notices that a relationship may not last too long, they won't even try to be involved.

Capricorns tend to be motivated my love, money, power, and success.

Famous celebs born under Capricorn: LeBron James, Pitbull, Nina Dobrev, Liam Hemsworth, Ellie Goulding, Michelle Obama, Jim Carrey, Psy, Kate Middelton.

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