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Venus Enters Leo: Grandiose Love

by Melody Ullah
Astrology by Melody

Venus Enters Leo: Grandiose Love, by Melody Ullah

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters grandiose and larger-than-life Leo on July 28th, 2019, and remains there until August 21st, 2019. During this time, we can expect grand gestures of love and over-the-top proposals. We can also expect lots of gift-giving, as Leo loves to shower the object of their affection with gifts of all sorts. Some bold and courageous actions will also be likely in love-related matters. We will also expect to see some very flamboyant fashions, cosmetics, and aesthetics appearing in certain beauty/fashion sectors. Dramatic displays of art will be on the horizon. Ruby red and tiger's eye are lucky crystals to wear or charge under this cosmic combo.

Here is a more-personalized look at what Venus in Leo will look like for each of the signs:

Aries: Aries can expect this time to be full of pleasure and amusements. Activities may involve children. Aries natives may receive extra love or moments of bonding from children they are close to.

Taurus: During this time, Taurus can expect to spend some quality time with family. There may be some family celebrations or news of family events on the horizon. Expect to possibly run into an extra-affectionate family member or relative.

Gemini: Venus will be in the third house for Gemini. Gemini can expect some affectionate or overly kind gestures from neighbors or siblings. A pleasant short trip with a sibling or mate could also be likely.

Cancer: This could be a lucky time for Cancerians with regards to money and possessions. Someone may bestow a generous gift upon them. Expect increased earnings during this time.

Leo: Leos will be feeling overconfident during this time and highly engaged in their own forms of self-love. They may treat themselves to something they love, like a complete make-over or new fashion wardrobe. This will be a time for Leo to really shine and stand out.

Virgo: Venus will be in Virgo's twelfth house. Virgos may need some time out during this time. They can expect to go into a quiet and relaxing retreat of some sort. Those close to Virgo will respect their restful down time and rejuvenation.

Libra: Expect this to be a highly sociable time for Libra. Invitations of all sorts will be arriving. Groups, clubs and meetings are highlighted, along with meeting new, like-minded people.

Scorpio: This is a lucky time for Scorpio to shine within their career or within society. Expect heightened social status or to be noticed for a possible promotion. Someone is really liking what they see from your efforts.

Sagittarius: Sagittarius can expect possible travel to a beautiful destination. They can also possibly be studying philosophy, aesthetics, or any of the general arts. Regardless of which, they will love and enjoy their studies.

Capricorn: Venus will be in the eighth house for Capricorn. Capricorn can expect a major breakthrough during this time or a total transformation of some sort. A partner's money or possessions may also have a positive effect upon Capricorn during this time.

Aquarius: If Aquarius is single, there are high chances they may meet a serious and dedicated partner during this time. If they are already attached, they can expect their existing partnership to become more serious. A work-related partnership could also become more prominent.

Pisces: Pisces could find love within the workplace during this time. They may be rewarded for their hard work and dedication. Pisces (or someone close to them) may also have a very positive bill of health at their next check-up. This will be a relief and great news for them.

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This article copyright © 2019 Melody Ullah. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission prohibited.

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Melody Ullah
Melody Ullah resides in Southwestern Pennsylvania and is a writer, astrologer, activist and holistic health practitioner. She offers a variety of astrological and metaphysical readings, products, and horoscopes at her website, Astrology by Melody. She also advocates for holistic and alternative health therapies with her website, Zapping Antidepressants.
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