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by Astrology Junction

Birthday: July 23 - August 22
Known as: The Lion
Zodiac Sign: 5th
Zodiac Element: Fire

Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac. Leo is known to be the Lion and possesses very similar traits with an actual lion. They are known to be very entrepreneurial. Leos love to have attention and be complimented by their peers -- every day if it were possible! A Leo has a need to feel an ownership when it comes to money matters. They are crazy about their finances. If things aren't going well at work, they will assume that they aren't living up to the best that they can do and it will crush them.

Overall Leos love to live a very uncomplicated life. They don't like fighting or arguing. If you ever see a Leo in an argument you can easily assume that they have hit a certain breaking point that they don't reach too often. Leos are likely to move away from situations of conflict. Not getting involved in certain situations will be best.

Leos have a big ego and at times are very controlling. They love higher education and respect those who have reached a certain height in their lives. Leos love to make first impressions and make friends outdoors, but they aren't ones who love to hang out all the time. For one born under the zodiac sign of Leo to be at his or her best potential in life, they must have a balance of love, friends, business, and peace surrounding them.

Famous celebs born under Leo: Barack Obama, Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Lopez, Kylie Jenner, Madonna, Mila Kunis, Paul Wesley, Demi Lovato, Cher Lloyd.

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