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by Astrology Junction

Birthday: November 22 - December 21
Known as: The Archer
Zodiac Sign: 9th
Zodiac Element: Fire

Sagittarius is the 9th sign of the zodiac. One born under this zodiac sign is known to be very self-confident and warm-hearted. They love a fairytale life that is filled with fantasy and admiration. Friends are important to them.

Although Sagittarius can easily make friends, they tend not have them around for too long. They move on to different social groups constantly. A life filled with adventure and love is something that Sagittarians strive for. The belief that anything is possible rules them.

Sagittarius can be very indecisive and jealous at times. Love is more of a need than a want for them. They are likely to move and change many careers, houses, and partners in life.

Famous celebs born under Sagittarius: Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Jay Z, Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus, Lia Marie Johnson, Ian Somerhalder, Brad Pitt, Rita Ora, Christina Aguilera, Ashley Benson.

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