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Astrological glyph for the zodiac sign AquariusFree 2019 Astrology Forecast for Aquarius
(January 21-February 19)

2019 in a Nutshell: In many ways, Aquarians will feel right at home during much of 2019. Jupiter's transit through Sagittarius, your 11th solar house, shows a year when you tend to be the center of attention socially – exactly where you like to be! Just avoid the (sometimes strong!) temptation to do too much pontificating, as that could alienate people. Aquarians born between January 21st-27th could find home and family matters in a bit of turmoil, as Uranus enters Taurus and forms a tense square aspect to your natal Sun beginning in March. Change is necessary, so don't fight it.

Greatest Potential: Jupiter's transit through Sagittarius shows a year-long period when your influence in group and social activities is strong. You've spent the past year or so expanding your reach, and now you're in a position where you can have an important impact the lives of others. Resist the temptation to let your enthusiasm get away from you – remember the “slow and steady” mantra. Also beware of double-dealing and behind-the-scenes shenanigans. Don't fall into that trap.

Greatest Challenge: Your greatest challenge this year is very likely to come from within yourself. Saturn's long transit through Capricorn, your 12th solar house, shows a period when inner doubts and second-guessing could eat at you, causing you to possibly mishandle situations in your life. Pluto's even-longer transit here adds to this effect, bringing previously subconscious knowledge (and power!) to the surface – but you may not yet completely understand how to handle it. This process comes to fulfillment in early 2020, as Saturn and Pluto come together here. In the meantime, try to move gradually beyond your comfort zone, dealing in a constructive way with newly emerging fears and doubts. When you can finally overcome them, you will emerge onto an entirely new level of accomplishment and fulfillment in your life – becoming better able to advance yourself and also to assist others.

Love, Relationships: Relationship activities this year focus much more strongly on broadly based involvements with friends, acquaintances, and social contacts, rather than on personal, one-to-one involvements. This is not to say that there aren't any intimate relationships, just that they remain fairly steady and in the background while your attention is focused more on group and social activities. Personal relationships do take center stage during July and August, when clear communication is essential to avoid misunderstandings. Taking the initiative can move a relationship along, but avoid appearing too heavy-handed or bossy.

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Money, Job, Career: Your expanded social influence this year has likely arisen from recent accomplishments on the job, and in a sort of a “feedback loop,” it's likely to lead to even greater career recognition and advancement. Networking is perhaps the key factor for you this year for both job and money matters. It's not what you know, but who you know – so continue to work your contacts and make new ones throughout the year. Finances could require some remedial action during March, as Mercury retrogrades in Pisces, your 2nd solar house. Make adjustments now to prevent bigger problems later. Career activity reaches a peak from October-December, as several planets transit Scorpio, your 10th solar house. The first part of that period could see a false start or temporary setback, as Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio. But you should be able to work out those issues successfully by mid-November, and with Mars bringing its energy here through the remainder of the year, it's all downhill from there.

Home and Domestic Life: Like individual relationships, domestic matters tend to play second fiddle this year to your outside-the-home activities, particularly those involving groups, organizations, and social activities. Keep in mind that family members may not be as comfortable with the spotlight as you are, and respect their wishes to exclude them if that's what they ask. Mid-February through March is a particularly active time around the home, when routines are likely to be disrupted and tempers may be a bit short. Take a deep breath before acting. Those of you born between January 21st-27th could have the most stressful time in this area, as Uranus probably brings major changes to your domestic situation. Although you may resist at first, recognize that these changes are the necessary results of your evolution as a person. Instead of spending your energy to fight them, use it to guide their direction into productive and fulfilling channels.

Travel: The high level of social and group activity you're involved in this year tends to bring with it a correspondingly high level of travel – primarily in and around your local area, but there's likely to be some distant travel involved as well. January-February should be a very active time, as Mars transits Aries, your 3rd solar house. This is an excellent time for networking, especially in your local community, both for business and for pleasure. October-November, as Mars transits Libra, your 9th solar house, could bring distant travel into the picture, this time more directly related to career or business matters. Here again, schmoozing is an important ingredient.

Health: Simple exhaustion from too much activity is probably the biggest threat to your health for most of the year. Jupiter in Sagittarius shows a high and almost constant level of activity for you. And although you'll probably say that's nothing new, this transit doubles down on it, showing a need for you to pace yourself and get sufficient rest, proper nutrition, and so forth. January-February, April-July, and possibly also November-December are the most sensitive periods in this respect. Another source of potential health issues is inner pressure – that is, the feeling of guilt or responsibility that you place on yourself to live up to the (possibly unrealistic?) standards that you set for yourself. This could also spill over into physical symptoms during the spring and early summer. Try not to be so hard on yourself. You're plenty “worthy” of the good that's coming your way.

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