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Astrological glyph for the zodiac sign AriesFree 2019 Astrology Forecast for Aries
(March 21-April 20)

2019 in a Nutshell: The overall focus this year is clearly on the "public" side of your life – your career and your overall place in the society around you – as you bring to fruition projects and lines of activity that may date back as far as 20 years. Recent major changes in your life have given you a whole new perspective. Build on that, leaving the past behind.

Greatest Potential: Jupiter, the planet of expansion, spends virtually all of 2019 transiting Sagittarius, your 9th solar house, showing a strong widening of your perspective and opening you up to many new experiences. Allow yourself to learn and grow, especially through travel, education, and religious or spiritual experiences. Then incorporate this new knowledge into your day-to-day life.

Greatest Challenge: Taskmaster Saturn spends the year transiting Capricorn, your 10th solar house of career and public reputation, so your major challenges lie in this area of your life throughout the year. You'll need to work for everything you get, but the rewards that come will be permanent. Your leadership abilities may be tested – don't back down.

Love, Relationships: Partners see you as strong, but perhaps also occasionally a bit overbearing. Conflicts are possible from mid-May through late June, and again from early October through most of November, as aggressive Mars forms stressful aspects with your natal Sun. Try to keep your temper in check, even though it may be difficult.

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Money, Job, Career: Career matters are reaching a peak this year, as you reap the rewards of long and consistent efforts. Consolidate your gains. Finances are extremely active from mid-February through late March, when you have the potential to both earn and spend far more than usual. Avoid impulsiveness, but don't hesitate to spend extra on something that will bring long-term benefits.

Home and Domestic Life: Much of your focus throughout the year is outside the home – on career, social activities, etc. -- so you'll need to make an extra effort to be sure your personal and family relationships don't suffer. The most sensitive period runs from mid-May through mid-August, when home/career tensions come to the forefront. Mid-June is likely the most stressful time here, when tempers may flare and you'll need to make some hard decisions.

Travel: Distant travel may well be in the works during 2019, as Jupiter moves through a year-long transit of Sagittarius, your 9th solar house. If traveling to foreign lands is not on the agenda literally this year, you'll certainly be thinking or dreaming about it – and you can learn a great deal by studying other cultures "up close and personal," so to speak – even through events in your own city. Expand your mind, and your horizons.

Health: Health matters may be a concern during January and early February, when impulsiveness or inattention could lead to accidents. Physical risk-taking could backfire during this time. Mid-August through late September is another sensitive period, but this time the culprit is likely to be stress related to work or social obligations. Take a deep breath and try to relax.

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