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Astrological glyph for the zodiac sign GeminiFree 2019 Astrology Forecast for Gemini
(May 22-June 21)

2019 in a Nutshell: Relationships are always front-and-center in the life (and mind!) of a Gemini, but this year even moreso as expansive Jupiter spends the year transiting Sagittarius, your 7th solar house of one-to-one involvements. You will probably be getting more serious with more individuals this year than you're accustomed to, with the operative phrase being “long-term commitments.” You could feel a little cramped by some of these involvements, and the overriding theme of the year is finding the balance between individual freedom and obligations to another person.

Greatest Potential: With Jupiter transiting Sagittarius, your greatest potential does in fact lie in your relationships with other people – but you knew that already, didn't you? But focus now not on relationships for their own sake, but on relationships with a purpose – an involvement that can make you bigger than you are and take you further in some direction than you could go on your own. Learn from those who are wiser and more experienced than you are.

Greatest Challenge: Saturn this year transits Capricorn, your 8th solar house, which is also a house of relationships, but in the sense of two individuals combining into a single unit of some sort. In many ways, you tend to resist this sort of union, often preferring to keep things on a somewhat more-superficial level. But this long Saturn transit (from late 2017 through early 2020) shows a need for you to come to terms with the necessity of one or more stable, long-term involvements in your life. You may have to sacrifice some personal freedom, but it will be worthwhile in the long run.

Love, Relationships: As noted, your relationships are even more emphasized during 2019 than usual, and romantic relationships come under this heading as well. Love may be in the air in late January, when Venus and Jupiter come together in Sagittarius. A little boost from Mars in Aries could indicate that you meet this person at work or at some public event you're involved in. Mid-September through late November, as Venus and Mars move in succession through Libra, your 5th house of love affairs, show a time when romance is easy, playful, and happy. Enjoy the glow.

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Money, Job, Career: This year more than most, your career and financial success is interwoven with that of other people. In particular, aligning yourself with a more-experienced or powerful person is likely to give you a significant boost. But be careful – don't sign your life away! During February, as Mercury retrogrades in Pisces, your 10th solar house, you may need to make a few (probably minor) adjustments on your career path. Money matters become extremely active from mid-May through mid-August; and here, too, some adjustments may be necessary at the end of that period.

Home and Domestic Life: Domestic matters should remain fairly calm throughout the year, except for the period from mid-August through early October, as Mars transits Virgo, your 4th solar house. This Mars transit always kicks up the level of activity and unpredictability at home – this year emphasized even more by the transits of both Mercury and Venus here during parts of this period. Changes at home are coming, whether you want them or not. The best approach is not to resist the inevitable, but instead to try to guide the changes in a productive, rewarding way.

Travel: Travel is most emphasized during July and August, as Mercury, Venus, and Mars all transit Leo, your 3rd solar house. With this 3rd-house emphasis, the focus is more on shorter trips (both in terms of distance and time) rather than something big and extensive. Shoot for something easy and fun, rather than one of those vacations you need to recover from when it's over. You may be combining a little business with pleasure, but emphasize the “pleasure” portion now.

Health: If you experience any health issues this year, they are likely to arise from one of two places: too much stress, or too much activity. So try to keep an even emotional keel and pace yourself physically. April and the first two weeks of May could find you all hyped up over something. Even though the excitement is positive, don't burn yourself out physically. November could find the stress factors getting to you, especially if you're feeling overwhelmed by circumstances or responsibilities. Take a deep breath – things will work out.

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