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Astrological glyph for the zodiac sign LibraFree 2019 Astrology Forecast for Libra
(September 24-October 23)

2019 in a Nutshell: From a long-term perspective, 2019 is very much a rebuilding phase in your life. The past seven years, as Uranus has moved through Aries, in opposition to your natal Sun, have brought a great deal of upheaval, particularly in terms of your one-to-one relationships, both personal and professional. In many cases, you may have felt that the rug was suddenly and unexpectedly pulled out from under you. As Uranus leaves Aries in 2019, this process now draws to a close, and this year's transits show a time of re-establishing a solid foundation in your life. Try to extract the lessons from events that have taken place, so that you can move forward in a more-enlightened fashion.

Greatest Potential: Jupiter's transit through Sagittarius, your 3rd solar house, shows this year to be an easy period of expansion and increased interaction for you. The combination of Jupiter and the 3rd house can be nicely illustrated by the activist slogan, “Think globally, act locally.” In other words, you may have lots of big ideas, but those ideas can only be implemented by focusing on the little things. No matter your specific interests or goals, getting involved with people, organizations, and activities “close to home” will be both rewarding for its own sake, and extremely helpful in enabling you to move forward. Gathering knowledge, information, and ideas in smaller bits will enable you to eventually assemble them into a larger, overall view.

Greatest Challenge: Saturn spends the year transiting Capricorn, your 4th solar house, and this transit sort of summarizes the “rebuilding” process mentioned earlier, focused here primarily on your home and domestic situation, and on the people and circumstances closest to you. Saturn here shows the need for you to establish a firm and solid foundation in your life – an environment which can support you, and from which you can then begin to expand your horizons in a new way. You will need to approach these events in a more mature (and perhaps more independent and self-sufficient) way than you've done previously, which may be difficult at first. But if you learn these lessons, you'll emerge a much more centered, grounded, and effective person.

Love, Relationships: During January and early February, as Mars transits Aries, your 7th solar house, passions in interpersonal relationships are likely to run high. Depending on the exact situation, of course, this can be either positive or negative – bringing people together or driving them apart. March and late April through mid-May are much calmer periods, with warm feelings drawing you closer to another person. Lay back and enjoy! Late September through mid-November finds your animal magnetism turned on high, attracting others to you. Don't be manipulative.

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Money, Job, Career: In general this year, career matters tend to take a back seat to personal and family affairs. That's just where your overall priorities lie at the moment. But job and money matters do come to the fore from time to time, and your relationships with business partners or co-workers continue to evolve. Career activities definitely take center stage from mid-May through early July, as Mars transits Cancer, your 10th solar house. If you need to make changes in your job or career path, now is the time to do it. Mercury's retrograde here during late July shows a period of adjustment, but this should be minor. The final six weeks of the year bring finances to the foreground. Here again, changes will require you to make some (perhaps uncomfortable) adjustments, but by year's end everything should be back on track.

Home and Domestic Life: Family, home, and domestic matters are perhaps the major focus of your life this year. You could almost say that all the other activities in your life at this time need to be interpreted in terms of how they can assist you in establishing a solid, stable, and long-term domestic base. You may find it necessary to trim down, get rid of excess, declutter – perhaps a rather painful process at first, but truly liberating in the longer term. If your immediate environment (people, situations, things, etc.) feels restrictive, keep in mind that there is a lesson there for you to learn – a lesson about self-containment and self-sufficiency.

Travel: April or early May could find you off on a great adventure, as Mars transits Gemini, your 9th solar house. These experiences will expand your mind and your horizons, and they could also spark a rather serious involvement with someone new. The rest of the year is likely to see numerous shorter jaunts and excursions, especially as they relate to your opening an important new phase of your life. Research could be involved, as could reconnecting with friends or family members you haven't seen in awhile. These trends are particularly emphasized in January, November, and December.

Health: Health matters should be somewhat better for you this year than they've been recently. The seven-year Uranus transit through Aries probably brought a great deal of stress and uncertainty to your life, and this couldn't help but have a negative effect on your physical health. As this transit ends, that significant source of ill-health is removed. If you've fallen into some not-so-good physical habits, now's the time to begin to reverse those trends. Eat better, exercise more, and generally take whatever positive steps are necessary to get your health back on track. The most sensitive time this year is probably February through mid-April, as Mercury transits (and retrogrades in) Pisces, your 6th solar house. Inner pressures during this time (striving too hard for perfection?) could negatively affect your physical health. Relaxation is important.

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