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Astrological glyph for the zodiac sign VirgoFree 2019 Astrology Forecast for Virgo
(August 24-September 23)

2019 in a Nutshell: This year is overwhelmingly one of personal expansion and growth for you, as several outer planets make important long-term aspects with your natal Sun. Jupiter's transit through Sagittarius, your 4th solar house, shows a time when you significantly expand your personal “foundation” – whether that is in physical, emotional, or spiritual terms (or all three). Saturn's transit through Capricorn, your 5th solar house, shows a simultaneous trend of expressing that new knowledge into the world around you. For those Virgos born in August, Uranus's transit in an exact trine aspect to your natal Sun from Taurus, your 9th solar house, shows that this entire process could be jump-started by a sudden revelation or expansion of consciousness.

Greatest Potential: Jupiter's year-long transit through Sagittarius shows a time when your personal foundation is expanding. In physical terms, this refers to your home and domestic situation. You may be moving into a new home, taking in new people, or otherwise growing your domestic base. This is a very positive development, as it allows you to express your individuality much more effectively. But take care that you don't expand too quickly or beyond your ability to maintain. April-August in particular, as Jupiter retrogrades, is a time to pause and consolidate gains to that point, before moving into a second phase of expansion in the fall.

Greatest Challenge: Saturn's transit through Capricorn, which began late in 2017 and continues through the early part of 2020, shows a long period when your primary challenge is actually defining yourself as an individual, distinct from the other individuals around you. This sounds obvious on the surface, but it's not always so easy in practice. For example: Do you define yourself by who you are – i.e., the qualities inherent in your own being that make you a unique individual? Or do you define yourself by who you are not – i.e., defining yourself only in terms of, or in relation to, the people around you? Saturn shows a couple of years when you need to focus strongly on the things that make you you. These are the qualities that serve as your inner foundation and base for building your life into the future.

Love, Relationships: In some ways, we can say that relationships are important in your life this year in a “inverse” sense – that is, that it's through your one-to-one interactions with other people that you can come to a better understanding of yourself. Close domestic and family relationships are at the forefront of your activity throughout the year, and you may find those relationships expanding to include new people. Romantic involvements should deepen and solidify, increasing their stability. Bumpy stretches could include March, July, and November, when Mercury retrogrades in areas that, for you, involve relationships. Try not to be overly critical in these periods, knowing that people (including yourself!) are likely to speak without really thinking.

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Money, Job, Career: In a lot of ways, career matters could be in a transitional phase this year. As you both expand and consolidate your personal base, you are reaping many of the rewards of past career efforts. But this very process itself causes you to look around for bigger and better goals to pursue, perhaps even prompting you to begin considering some long-term career changes. “Baby steps” should be the operative idea for most of the year in this respect. Take things slowly, and make sure your foundation is solid before you move on. The exception to this is April and early May, as Mars transits Gemini, your 10th solar house. Activity abounds at this time, and it will pay to be opportunistic and take the initiative, at least in staking an initial claim in some new area.

Home and Domestic Life: Domestic affairs are actually perhaps the major focus of your life during 2019, as Jupiter makes it transit through Sagittarius, your 4th solar house. Your family or domestic circle is likely to increase in some way, and your physical surroundings may also be expanding. You may be moving into a new or bigger home, for example, or improving your current home to better suit your growing needs. All of this should make your life more comfortable, and allow you to be more of “who you are,” so to speak. But when something feels good, the temptation is to take it to an extreme. Try to avoid that tendency, as it's likely to backfire.

Travel: With your primary focus this year being your domestic situation, you're likely to spend much of your time close to home. There are a couple of periods, however, when travel is indicated and is likely to be rewarding. Mid-February through March could bring distant travel, perhaps to someplace exotic or unusual. In addition to being enjoyable, this trip could also be educational for you, opening your mind to new ideas and concepts. Travel from late November through the end of the year, by contrast, will probably not be so exotic or lengthy, but will still be stimulating and fun.

Health: Perhaps the most important thing for you to watch out for in terms of your health this year is the pressure you put on yourself to conform to social norms and to live up to the expectations of others. You take your obligations very seriously, and if you've made a commitment to a person or a group, you try your utmost to fulfill it. This could lead to stress-related health issues from time to time, if the people around you – or you yourself – are putting a lot of pressure on you to “perform.” These pressures may be most obvious this year during July and August, and they're likely to be primarily self-imposed. So cut yourself some slack, especially during this time. You can go easier on yourself and still not let others down.

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