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Displaying titles 31-40 of 52 titles.

Defectio Geniturarum by Partridge, John
Defectio Geniturarum
Partridge, John
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 18.0Mb
Medicine and Astrology by Phillips, Henry Jr.
Medicine and Astrology
Phillips, Henry Jr.
Scholarly paper (U.S.A. public domain), 979.7kb
Tetrabiblos by Ptolemy, Claudius
Ptolemy, Claudius
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 863.2kb
Earthology: Humanity Characterized by the Earth, Sun and Zodiac, with Prognostications from the Moon by Raphael, Albert
Manual of Astrology or The Book of the Stars, A by Raphael
Manual of Astrology or The Book of the Stars, A
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 9.7Mb
Guide to Astrology, The by Raphael
Guide to Astrology, The
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 4.1Mb
Mysteries of Astrology and the Wonders of Magic, The by Roback, Dr. C.W.
Mysteries of Astrology and the Wonders of Magic, The
Roback, Dr. C.W.
Including a history of the rise and progress of astrology, and the various branches of necromancy: together with valuable directions and suggestions relative to the casting of nativities, and predictions by geomancy, chiromancy, physiognomy, etc.: also ... narratives, anecdotes, etc. illustrative of the marvels of witchcraft, spiritual phenomena, and the results of supernatural influence
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 15.2Mb
Astrology: The Key to Roulette by Roye, John
Astrology: The Key to Roulette
Roye, John
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 5.2Mb
Gospel in the Stars, The by Seiss, Joseph A.
Gospel in the Stars, The
Seiss, Joseph A.
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 3.4Mb
Directional Astrology by Sepharial
Directional Astrology
Book (U.S.A. public domain), 3.6Mb
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