Links to Local Astrological Organizations
32 listings in this category
Displaying items 26 - 32
Scottish Astrological Association
Edinburgh, Scotland. Discussion nights take place at the Thistle Hotel, 59 Manor Place Edinburgh EH3 7 EG at 7.30 p.m. As usual in our discussion evenings, you are encouraged to bring chart data, your own or the charts of friends, family or celebrities that you want to explore in relation to our discussion topic. These events are free and all are welcome. No special knowledge of astrology is necessary.
Southern California Astrological Network
Laguna Hills, California, USA. The Southern California Astrological Network [SCAN] is Orange County 's premier group of astrologers who meet to discuss a variety of topics using astrological concepts and techniques.
The Astrology Friends Forum
Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The Astrology Friends Forum (formerly The Atlanta Astrology Group) focuses on promoting community and friendships for those interested in astrology and how this amazing art and science can benefit your life and help you grow and evolve. We are based in Atlanta, but are expanding our network across the nation to the West Coast. Atlanta events occur in-person, while L.A. and other communities have opportunities to join us via tele-communication.
The Minneapolis Astrology Meetup
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. The main group meets on the second Thursday of every month. Stay tuned to the website for the location as it changes from time to time. Our intent is to gather in a Salon format, an open forum discussion group where a variety of people come together to learn from each other through conversation and reading... "to please and educate." People of all experience levels are welcome, whether you know nothing about astrology or are a seasoned professional.
Tucson Astrologers Guild
Tucson, Arizona, USA. Our mission is to provide a forum for astrological awareness by sponsoring meetings, lectures, workshops and social gatherings that inspire convivial discussion and fellowship.
Victorian Astrologers Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. The Victorian Astrologers Association Inc. encourages cooperation and contact between astrologers primarily in Victoria and Tasmania, but anyone is able to join from anywhere in the world. The VAA organises monthly meetings, yearly seminars/workshops, as well as conferences and other activities that enable the discussion of issues in astrology. The VAA also issues a monthly newsletter, Horizons, and the FAA issues a quarterly journal. By becoming a member, you receive both Horizons newsletter and the FAA Journal, as well as discounted entry to meetings and workshops.
Wessex Astrology Circle
Dorset, United Kingdom. The Wessex Astrology Circle, based in the South of England (UK), is an independent non-profit making group of like-minded spiritually aware astrologers and student astrologers from many walks of life. The aim of the group is to promote the use of astrology to its best advantage, to help and support those on a spiritually focussed learning curve. New members are always welcome, and we aim to create a sufficiently varied programme to provide opportunities for learning at all levels.
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